Monday, December 6, 2010

The Halls are Decked

Whew...what a weekend.  Seems like all I did was work.  Climb stairs. Squat. Lift. Bend. Descend Stairs. Repeat 1,000 times.

Sunday morning.  Wake up.  Pull a muscle in your back and still repeat the above 1,000 times (but WAY slower and moan EVERY SINGLE TIME).

The older I get, the harder this gets and the longer it takes! It was a lot of work, but I am glad that it is all done in one weekend.  I can sit and admire my handiwork for the next 19 days.  Seriously, only 19 days?  Seems like a lot of work for only 19 days!

I really do enjoy our holiday decorations.  Some belonged to my mom and some I can remember from our Christmas trees when I was little.  I've collected ornaments for a long time ever since I had my own Christmas tree in my very own apartment.  Each of them holds a very special, very dear memory.  Which explains why I was so weepy this weekend.  Starting with Hershey's peronalized stocking out of the box, every ornament evoked some kind of response from me. Truth is, I am simply not over losing her yet.  All of her ornaments, her stocking, and her Christmas apparel were just waiting to be unboxed and enjoyed again this year.  Well, that started the waterworks, and I was teary eyed all day and let me tell you, Bill got a rolling charge out of that!  I felt hormonal.  Bill assured me that was NOT the case.

Our Family Tree
The Kitchen Tree
Thanks to Nate Berkus, we took a trip to a Christmas tree lot/nursery.  There's nothing like a fresh Christmas tree lot to get you in the holiday spirit.  The smell alone can make the grinch happy.  Upon entering, we were served hot apple cider. I shopped and Bill pestered every single one of the ladies of the nursery. Poor ladies.

How cute is this place?

My first "fresh" floral design
My newest creation is some fresh pine grenery and a beautifull hallway arrangement (if I do say so myself).  Thank you Nate!

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